June 16, 2010, the U.S. city of San Francisco passed the "Cell Phone Radiation Law" proposal to require the sale of mobile phone retailers must be adjacent to the 11th more clearly marked on the radiation absorption rate values

June 16, 2010, the U.S. city of San Francisco passed the "Cell Phone Radiation Law" proposal to require the sale of mobile phone retailers must be adjacent to the 11th more clearly marked on the radiation absorption rate value (ie mobile phone user's body tissue absorption of electromagnetic waves intensity), violators face $ 300 fines. And this controversial bill on Tuesday (May 9, 2013) San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved a vote of 10 votes to suspend the case against "right to know" bill, and are not re-litigation. Responsible for legal proceedings and wireless Union CTIA (U.S. wireless communications??, And Internet Association) eventually won the war and exempted from any legal costs. CTIA and San Francisco scores can be said to date back to three years ago. 2010 Act passed by the radiation exceeds the specified value of the cell phone will not work in local sales. But it is far below the norms set by the FCC radiation requirement, which raises the CTIA dissatisfaction.