Chinese Said: Electromagnetic Radiation Can Harm To the Face(03/04/2014)
ISMB Develops the Automotive Intelligent Integrated Solutions(30/03/2014)
Uncover MAS MH370 "Lost Contact" Truth Only Hope: Black Box(08/03/2014)
Development of Numerical Modeling Codes for Solving EMC Problems(13/02/2014)
China Shanghai successfully developed "Silver Ultra-precise Ion-plated " technology(18/01/2014)
( China , Shanghai ) according to Chinese reports , A Shanghai company called " Shanghai Yindun Textile Technology Co., Ltd. "
China Set up a National Research Center of Electromagnetic Radiation Technology(11/01/2014)
ESMMC(Asia)According to the official government website reported of Sichuan Province China,
ESMMC: Summary of electromagnetic radiation shielding materials research(01/01/2014)
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) electromagnetic interference caused not only electrical equipment,
European textile and apparel technology platform eighth Annual Meeting held (Belgium Brussels)(01/09/2013)
March 20, 2013 -21 days, the European textile and clothing associations (European Apparel and Textile Organization, referred EURATEX) was held in Brussels, Belgium European textile and apparel technology platform 8th Annual Meeting
America Abort "Cell Phone Radiation Law" CTIA into the final winner (United States, San Francisco)(30/08/2013)
June 16, 2010, the U.S. city of San Francisco passed the "Cell Phone Radiation Law" proposal to require the sale of mobile phone retailers must be adjacent to the 11th more clearly marked on the radiation absorption rate values
South Korean Ministry of Environment for the Korean National Institute of Environmental Sciences recently mobile phones available in the market seven different usage environments intensity of electromagnetic radiation were tested.
AQSIQ checks out of 12 batches of auto GPS excessive radiation (China, Beijing)(23/08/2013)
Recently, the China AQSIQ checks involving six provinces (city) of 81 production of 81 batches of car GPS navigation products. Of which 12 batches of substandard
Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones(01/07/2013)
What are the health risks associated with mobile phones and their base stations?(01/07/2013)
Because exposure to the radiofrequency (RF) fields emitted by mobile phones is generally more than a 1000 times higher than from base stations, and the greater likelihood of any adverse effect being due to handsets, research has almost exclusively been conducted on possible effects of mobile phone exposure
Electromagnetic fields in the environment(18/06/2013)
2011 International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health(27/05/2013)
This scientific conference is organized under the auspices of the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), in the context of the periodic review of the scientific evidence on the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (ESMMC) as mandated by EU Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC
ESMMC Second Asia annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia closed (April 2013)(01/05/2013)
ESMMC electromagnetic shielding Technical Management Committee Second Asia Annual Conference April 22 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia successfully closed.
WHO handbook on Establishing a Dialogue on Risks from Electromagnetic Fields(01/05/2013)
Community dialogue successfully implemented helps to establish a decision-making process that is open, consistent, fair and predictable.
Are exposures above the guidelines harmful?(18/02/2013)
It is perfectly safe to eat a pot of strawberry jam up to the expiration date – but if you consume the jam any later the manufacturer cannot guarantee good food quality.
How are guidelines put into practice and who checks on them?(18/01/2013)
The responsibility to investigate fields around power lines, mobile phone base stations or any other sources accessible to the general public lies with government agencies and local authorities.
What guidelines cannot account for...(18/12/2012)
At present, speculations about potential long-term health effects cannot form the basis for the issuing of guidelines or standards.
What are typical maximum exposure levels at home and in the environment?(18/12/2012)
Some practical information will help you to relate to the international guideline values given above.
Why is the safety factor for occupational exposure guidelines lower than for the general public?(18/06/2012)
The occupationally exposed population consists of adults who generally experience known electromagnetic field conditions.
What are guidelines based on?(18/04/2012)
An important point to make is that a guideline limit is not a precise delineation between safety and hazard.
Who decides on guidelines?(18/03/2012)
Countries set their own national standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Magnetic fields in everyday life: are they really that high?(18/12/2011)
In recent years, national authorities in different countries have conducted many measurements to investigate electromagnetic field levels in the living environment.
©ESMMC 2013 ESMMC including ESMMC Asia,ESMMC Europe,ESMMC America,ESMMC Africa,ESMMC Oceania.