Development of Numerical Modeling Codes for Solving EMC Problems
| English
![]() There are three large numerical modeling codes that are under continuous development at Missouri S&T. One or more of these codes is applied to nearly every research project in the laboratory. The codes are named EMAP5, CEMPIE and APOGEE. EMAP5 is a 3D full-wave hybrid finite-element/moment-method code. It is used to model structures that include regions with a high level of complexity and regions with large resonant conductors (e.g. printed circuit boards with enclosures or cables). It is a frequency domain method. The finite element method and moment method parts can be employed independently if necessary. CEMPIE is a tool for efficiently modeling printed circuit board power bus structures. It's function is similar to a 2D PEEC tool. It reduces the power bus to an equivalent N-port network that can be analyzed using a circuit simulator such as SPICE. APOGEE is a 3D full-wave finite difference time domain (FDTD) code. It has been applied to everything from printed circuit board structures to entire systems. Subcellular algorithms have been developed that model thin wires and seams in enclosures. Table of contents
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