European textile and apparel technology platform eighth Annual Meeting held (Belgium Brussels)
March 20, 2013 -21 days, the European textile and clothing associations (European Apparel and Textile Organization, referred EURATEX) was held in Brussels, Belgium European textile and apparel technology platform 8th Annual Meeting ![]() The theme of this session "Drawing the European textile industry research and innovation in the future." At the show on the European textile fabrics and garment industry in the future development of the latest research, "The EU Horizon 2020" program of the latest developments, as well as the latest European textile fabrics scientific process. "The EU Horizon 2020" is the end of 2011 the European Commission put forward proposals for research and planning, the plan aims to integrate the EU's research resources, improve innovation efficiency, promote scientific and technological innovation, promoting economic growth and increased employment, but the plan was the EU's history a major research projects include the planning of the EU level, the framework agreement was scheduled to be completed this year. According to the European textiles and clothing Association data show that EU-27 is the world's largest markets in the world textile and apparel products, household consumption amounted to 450 billion euros or more; EU textile manufacturers about 147,400, employing 230 million people an annual turnover of € 197.81 trillion. Table of contents
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